Solving for station uniqueness in method of loci with shared locations

As I took a walk to the store get some food, I created a memory loci in my mind consisting of 11 stations. Some reflections of this creative process itself. Uniqueness is essential.
Every station should be unique. Not only within the journey itself, but also over the set of all loci journeys in your mental library.  This inspired me to visualise a directed graph and walk, where instead of having individual single nodes as stations I had each node be a group of potential stations at a given location. This is because I want to be able to create several journeys where each station is unique even though the journey might be in the same geographical places. The uniqueness is on the level of keys (~stations). I will provide a sketch of this idea later.
Anyway, this make is simple for me to reuse my walks every day to create new journeys without going to a new place every time.
I can also make a meta journey as an exercise where I numerate each station within the location within that embedding node.
The grand idea is to use a very large set of stations say 10 000 stations.
They are all partitions of smaller journeys.
One problem I am still contemplating is a sort of crystalization problem.
That is I don't want to index my journey until I am done with all of them.
The reason is that I am not sure is journey X will go from x to x+k, because that forces me to decide the size of the journey and the order of the journeys internally.
This means if I change stations, add or remove stations or let journey X and Y:s swap order,
I have to reindex, potentially, all of the stations, which is highly inefficient.
So until I have solved this dilemma I will avoid an overall indexing of the journeys.
One thought is that once they have fixated mentally somewhat, I can start merging them with  geographical proximity in mind to get a much larger journeys.
These in turn can merge with larger ones.
This is likely to be a longterm process that will resolve over time.



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