Thoughts on the coming 2020
I will optimise everything with sleep as a metric endpoint. I have ordered a Xiaomi Band so I can compare measurements with oura ring. My goal is to fix my restfulness and improve sleep as much as possible. I think 21.30-5.30 is a good goal. Minimising wake ups.
PBM-PhotoBioModulation in the morning is likely to have improved my REM sleep. However my Deep sleep is a bit reduced, but considering it usually is about 2H30M it may not be a problem. I will stop PBM a few day and see if it changes things.
The last few days I purposefully went out of ketosis for a few days without carbs. I just upped my meat intake, specifically beef. I tend not to stay in ketosis if I do that. Gluconeogenises was not on overdrive though. I used to get higher blood sugar scores doing that. This time my blood sugar went up to like 4.8 mmol/L and then 30 min later down to 4.3 mmol/L like usual. Morning fasted blood glucose has been around 4.0 mmol/L consistently every morning. I have really diled in my metabolic flexibility, keto adaptation and insulin sensitivity this year.
I will not to heat chock therapy for specific reasons. I will do more cold therapy. This goes well in hand with ketogenesis, sleep hacking, breath work, HRV, and meditation.
All in all this year is about changing the environment. Simplifying things. Writing. Doing research. Coding. Fine tuning the diet. Meditation and mindfulness. Music therapy. PBM and getting closer to nature. The focus will be on the mind and to give it the proper surroundings to do deep work.
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